Madrid, May 2021
eProsima launches the NEW Integration Service!
eProsima Integration Service is an open source product that enables the intercommunication of numerous protocols that speak different languages.
Madrid, May 2021
eProsima launches the NEW Integration Service!
eProsima Integration Service is an open source product that enables the intercommunication of numerous protocols that speak different languages.
Madrid, May 2021eProsima will be present again at the ROS Developers Day. The event on its 4th edition will take place on the 19th of June, 2021 and is a virtual conference that aims to connect ROS developers worldwide.
Madrid, May 2021
eProsima launches the new release of Fast DDS v2.3.2. including improvements on the Statistics Module. Find below the detailed list of the main advancements accomplished in this new version.
Madrid, May 2021
The Micro XRCE-DDS Client Shared Memory Transport (SHM) provides a way of communicating micro-ROS nodes that exist in the same Micro Controller Unit (MCU) without the need of interacting with the micro-ROS Agent.
The key advantages of SHM transport are:
Madrid, May 2021
OFERA has updated the analysis of the memory footprint of the micro-ROS Client library.
Madrid, May 2021
Wyca Robotics has chosen micro-ROS for the development of Elodie. This ROS 2 powered self-driving indoor robot relies on micro-ROS to ease communications in a resource constrained device environment.
Madrid, April 2021
eProsima is happy to announce the new release of Fast DDS v2.3.1.
This release is specifically synchronized with the new ROS 2 Galactic release planned for May 23rd and. It will enable applications to use Fast DDS latest improvements and bug fixes.
Below you can find a detailed list of the main advancements accomplished in this new version:
Madrid, April 2021
The OFERA project announces RMW library for the micro-ROS Client, rmw_microxrcedds, and the ROS IDL Typesupport library associated to its implementation, rosidl_typesupport_microxrcedds, have been recently refactored to comply with the ROS packages Quality Level 2 (QL 2), as established by the Open Robotics REP-2004.
Madrid, April 2021
eProsima has refactored Micro XRCE-DDS Client package and its serialization library, Micro CDR, to comply with the packages Quality Level 1 (QL 1), as established by Open Robotics. This Quality Level is thought for packages which are, or might be, required in a production environment.
Madrid, April 2021
eProsima has released Micro XRCE-DDS v2.0.0, the latest version of the default middleware used by micro-ROS.
Micro XRCE-DDS is an implementation of the DDS-XRCE standard by the OMG, that allows communicating eXtremely Resource Constrained Environments (XRCEs) with an existing DDS network.
Madrid, April 2021
Deutsche Bahn opts for eProsima Fast DDS and Discovery Server within the scope of the Sensors4Rail pilot project and implements this high-performance technology into a S-Bahn Hamburg train equipped with sensors and cameras checking over 28,000 points and a highly accurate localization system for the future development of highly automated and smart rails.
Madrid, April 2021
The European Robotics Forum 2021 will count another year with the presence of eProsima, that will be representing the micro-ROS project as founders and maintainers together with project partners Bosch and Piap.
Madrid, March 2021
eProsima is happy to announce the new release of Fast DDS v2.3.0. This version brings new features, improvements and bug fixes to elevate the performance to a new level.
Below you can find a detailed list of the main advancements accomplished in this new version:
Madrid, March 2021
Microsoft, the American tech corporation founded by Bill Gates, chose eProsima Fast DDS as the DDS middleware implementation for their Human Inclusive Robotics Initiative developed for Hololens 2.
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Email: [email protected]
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28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid (Spain)