Defense Sector

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DDS in defense

The Data Distribution Service for Real-Time Distributed Systems (DDS) is a standard with a long success history in the defense sector. Since its inception in 2004, DDS has been adopted by many Armies worldwide because of its performance and deterministic behavior, with notable examples in the USA, UK, and Spain and, in general, in NATO countries.

Its success has led to the creation of many mandatory DDS-based defense specifications for interoperability among the different C2 systems and vehicle platforms in those countries. These specifications define both the data model and the DDS configuration settings, also called quality of service (QoS). Some important examples are

C2 Interoperability:

Many defense C2 systems are using DDS as their internal middleware, but also some countries have mandated and standardized the use of DDS for C2 interoperability, such as Spain with its Tactical Data Interface (specification not available to the general public). This specification defines a data model based on the MIP JC3IEDM data model and the different DDS QoS Settings for various data links (tactical radios, satellite, and ethernet), enabling interoperability of a complete set of C2 services (video streaming, file distribution, tactical messaging, Units, alarms, facilities, obstacles, and tactical lines).

Vehicle Architectures:

Airborne Architectures:

Navy Architectures:

Equipment Architectures:

Why eProsima?

eProsima gained much experience in Defense and other Critical Applications over the years.

One classic example of a defense application is the Command and Control (C2) system. eProsima has been providing middleware services and DDS products for the Spanish Army C2 systems for the last 15 years, including helping to design the data model and the interoperability specification with other systems. These systems manage real-time information about military units, alarms, facilities, obstacles, etc., using data links ranging from Ethernet to tactical radios and satellite comms.

Another important customer using Fast DDS is the US Navy for their implementation of the UMAA standard (underwater autonomous vehicles). 

Our direct experience with armies and navies has earned us the trust of defense providers, making our DDS products and services the top choice for their critical needs.

Examples of defense success cases:


 Related use cases for critical applications:

More information about eProsima, middleware and defense applications:

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Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: [email protected]

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Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: [email protected]

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Office address

Plaza de la Encina 10-11,
Nucleo 4, 2ª Planta
28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid (Spain)