
In today's industrial environments, a wide variety of robots are present, ranging from mobile platforms and manipulators to collaborative robots (cobots) of various sizes. Many of these robots utilize ROS2 and eProsima Fast DDS. The trend is easy to understand: many roboticists are introduced to ROS during their university studies, and when they transition into industry roles, they often request ROS support from their robot providers. As a result, hundreds of different industrial robots use extensively ROS2/Fast DDS, some examples:


ABB 400w

Big player in industrial automation with its widely known manipulators.

ROS2 drivers are available for some of their models.


Universal Robots:

Universal Robots 400w As of January 2024, Universal Robots has sold over 75,000 collaborative robots (cobots) worldwide, probably you have been in front of one already.

ROS2 drivers are available.



Robotnik RB KAIROS 400w

 Biggest Spanish Robotic company, now acquired by United Robotics Group, develops mobile platforms and manipulators.

The company uses intensively ROS in their robots.


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