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Displays Fast DDS real-time data

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The eProsima Fast DDS Visualizer is a graphical tool providing real-time 2D charts to visualize data traffic information from Fast DDS entities.

This desktop application is based on the Fast DDS Visualizer Plugin naturally integrated in the PlotJuggler eProsima Edition. PlotJuggler is a time series visualization tool with a flexible and powerful graphical engine.

The Fast DDS Visualizer is free and open-source, and allows users to choose from a series of topics to quickly and easily visualize its data content.

The Fast DDS Visualizer Docker image is now available for download.



  Graphic tool: Visualize Fast DDS data

  Easy-to-use: Graphical application

  Multi-Platform: Windows and Linux

  Free and Open Source: Apache License 2.0 and GPL 3.0

  Well documented & easy to use: See our available documentation

  Well suited for: Robotics, IoT, Automotive, Critical applications




eProsima Fast DDS Visualizer is a powerful and intuitive tool to visualize Fast DDS data in time series. Here are the main features:

  • Provides the mechanism to visualize features of time series, X-Y plots and data series. 
  • Allows data management features, such as data import and export, data series merges and more.
  • Transforms the data just using a simple editor. The plugin is able to calculate different statistical parameters such as derivative, moving average, integral and show it in the 2D graphics.
  • Saves the visualization layout and configurations in order to re-use them later.

eProsima Fast DDS Visualizer Sreen shot of application interface



Release Notes Manuals

Latest Release


Installation and User Manual

Getting Started




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More information about eProsima Fast DDS Visualizer

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General Information:
Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: [email protected]

Tech Support:
Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: [email protected]

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