Fast DDS vs OpenDDS

Benchmarking DDS Implementations

Updated 21st December 2022

The existence of different DDS implementations motivates the execution of performance comparisons across them. In this article, eProsima presents a comparison between Fast DDS and OpenDDS, comparing both latency and throughput performance.

In the majority of tested cases, Fast DDS exposes a lower latency and higher throughput than OpenDDS. Continue reading for detailed information.

Benchmarking DDS Implementations - INDEX

This article is divided into the following sections:

Latency Comparison

The latency tests have been executed in two different scenarios:  intra-process and inter-process. In this specific case all inter-process tests are run with both processes in the same host machine.

Latency Results: Intra-process

Latency Results: Inter-process

Latency Results: Conclusion

The comparison of Fast DDS and OpenDDS in terms of latency performance shows that Fast DDS’s mean latencies are lower on average than that of OpenDDS, meaning that Fast DDS is the fastest message delivery implementation in the majority of the tested cases. We can also see that OpenDDS same process experiments crashed with Array1m and Array 4m, and Fast DDS is 30-500 times faster for large data samples, and 5 to 9 times faster for sample sizes below UDP fragmentation.

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Methodology: Measuring Latency

Latency is usually defined as the amount of time that it takes for a message to traverse a system. In packet-based networking, latency is usually measured either as one-way latency (the time from the source sending the packet to the destination receiving it), or as the round-trip delay time (the time from source to destination plus the time from the destination back to the source). 

In the case of this DDS communication exchange benchmark performed with Apex.AI performance testing, latency could be defined as the time it takes for a DataWriter to serialize and send a data message plus the time it takes for a matching DataReader to receive and deserialize it. 

NOTE: Due to its architecture, the neutral test framework used for a fair comparison adds latency to the results.

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Latency Tests details

NOTE: Due to its architecture, the neutral test framework used for a fair comparison adds latency to the results.

Machine specifications:

  • X86_64 with Linux 4.15.0 & Ubuntu 18.04.5
  • 8 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1230 v6 @ 3.50GHz
  • 32 GB RAM

Software specifications:

  • Docker 20.10.7
  • Apex performance tests latest (d69a0d72)
  • Open DDS 3.13.2
  • Fast DDS v2.8.0

Experiments configuration:

  • Duration: 30 s
  • 1 publisher and 1 subscriber
  • Reliable, volatile, keep last 16 comms
  • Publication rate of 100 Hz
  • Both same and different processes

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Throughput Comparison

As in the latency case, the throughput performance benchmark has been executed in two different scenarios: intra-process and inter-process.

Throughput Results: Intra-process


Throughput Results: Inter-process




Throughput Results: Conclusion

For both the intra and inter-process cases, the tests show a clear difference between Fast DDS and Open DDS, as the latter crashes after a certain payload, and only Fast DDS is able to send messages of a given size per second for every payload considered in this benchmark.

More specifically, Open DDS same process experiments crashed with Array1m and Array4m, and also Open DDS showed degradation once UDP fragmentation is required. Open DDS inter-process can keep up with publication rate until Array1m, but not for Array4m, where Fast DDS can do.

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Methodology: Measuring Throughput

In network computing, throughput is defined as a measurement of the amount of information that can be sent/received through the system per unit time, i.e. it is a measurement of how many bits traverse the system every second

With the Apex.AI test throughput is measured as the amount of bytes received by the Data Reader (sent by the Data Writer at a specified rate)  per a unit of time. This can be summarized in the formula: number of messages received multiplied by the message size, all divided by the time unit.

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Throughput Tests details

Machine specifications:

  • X86_64 with Linux 4.15.0 & Ubuntu 18.04.5
  • 8 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1230 v6 @ 3.50GHz
  • 32 GB RAM

Software specifications:

  • Docker 20.10.7
  • Apex performance tests latest (d69a0d72)
  • Open DDS 3.13.2
  • Fast DDS v2.8.0

Experiments configuration:

  • Duration: 30 s
  • 1 publisher and 1 subscriber
  • Reliable, volatile, keep last 16 comms
  • Publication rate of 100 Hz
  • Both same and different processes

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Further information

For any questions about the methodology used to conduct the experiments, the specifics on how to configure Fast DDS or any other question you may have, please do not hesitate in contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

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