Railway Sector

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DDS and the Railway Sector

The railway sector defines exigent quality and safety requirements for any software component, and middleware is no exception. Different protocols, both general purpose and ad hoc protocols, are used in this sector.

In Europe, a standardization effort is OCORA (Open CCS On-board Reference Architecture; CCS = Command, Control and Signalling), a joint initiative by the DB, SNCF, NS, ÖBB, and SBB national railway companies.

In this evolving standard, the CCS Communication Network (CCN) leverages a TSN Ethernet-based network, with DDS playing a crucial role. A DDS reference implementation for a Safe Computing Messaging platform is defined, ensuring secure, reliable, and real-time data exchange in critical environments

eProsima Railway Success cases:

Why eProsima?

eProsima is a leading provider of DDS solutions targeting general and safety-critical applications.   The software for the railway sector should follow very exigent functional safety rules, and eProsima Safe DDS is a perfect fit for these scenarios.


More information about DDS & railway sector:

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