VulcanBot 01

Render Robot Vulcanbot 01Vulcanbot 01 is our first robot (presented at the ROSCON 2024), an AI-powered mobile platform designed for several use cases:

  • Assistant Robot: Vulcanbot 01 can greet your visitors, provide information, and guide them to specific locations (cafeteria, toilets, an employee office… etc)
  • Experimentation: Vulcanbot is based on Vulcanexus (ROS2) and exposes an open architecture. It allows the user to change the default configuration and add new features, sensors, and actuators.

Vulcanbot 01 features:

  • Autonomous Navigation: The robot is aware of its surroundings, detects obstacles, and can navigate to specific waypoints.
  • Voice commands: Vulcanbot understands voice commands using LLMs. The input is translated into the actions the robot can process.
  • Pose estimation: Vulcanbot also understands people's gestures, such as greetings, pointing to a specific location, and halt signals.

Vulcanbot Presentation Video:

Vulcanbot 01 Sensors:

  • Depth Camera (Intel RealSense/Astra).
  • LIDAR (slamtec A2)


  • Voice Interface: Micro and speaker
  • Screen interface.
  • Remote control operation.


  • Intel Nuc (several alternatives).

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