Fast DDS has been the middleware powering ROS2 for the last 8 years, and eProsima is responsible for many ROS2 tools (See Vulcanexus). As a result, hundreds of different mobile platforms use extensively our products.
eProsima released VulcanBot 01 as an example of a complete mobile platform for assistance and R&D applications using Vulcanexus.
But there are many options available in the market, as these examples:
Husarion Robots:
Rugged Mobile Robots for demanding applications based in ROS2—Vulcanexus. Their robust, autonomous mobile robots can be used as a base platform for a variety of AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) applications. Husarion also offers the ROSBOT model, an inexpensive platform ideal for R&D purposes.
TurtleBot is a low-cost, personal robot kit with open-source software. It has been the ROS reference robot for many years and is now powered by ROS2 and Fast DDS. Its latest version is based on the iRobot Create 3 platform.
So, What platform should I choose?
It depends a lot on your specific requirements. If you need help choosing your platform and creating your personalized robot, do not hesitate to contact us at
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