eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS banner

Communicates micro-controllers with the DDS world

Micro XRCE-DDS download buttoneProsima Micro XRCE-DDS is an open source middleware product that implements the OMG (Object Management Group) wire protocol for eXtremely Resource Constrained Environments (DDS-XRCE). 

The aim of the DDS-XRCE standard is to provide access to the DDS Global-Data-Space from resource-constrained devices. This is achieved as a result of a client-server architecture, where low resource devices, called XRCE Clients, are connected to a server, called XRCE Agent, which acts on behalf of its clients in the DDS Global-Data-Space.

eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS is the default middleware of micro-ROS, the official extension of ROS 2 (The Robot Operating System)  for microcontrollers (MCUs).

The Micro XRCE-DDS Docker image is now available to download here.



  Low Resource Consumption:

       - Completely dynamic memory free, allocating all the memory at start-up (Real-Time and Deterministic)

       - Less than 75 KB of Flash memory and 2.5 KB of RAM. See the Memory Profiling report

       - Memory optimization capabilities

  Multi-Transport Support:

       - Custom transport API: Transport can be customized according to chipset requirements to fit all use cases

       - Built-in support for serial transports: TCP, UDP over Ethernet, Wi-Fi, 6LoWPAN, and Bluetooth 

  Multi-Platform Integration:

       - Portable to all low-mid range MCUs, to any RTOS and Bare metal

       - Micro XRCE-DDS Client supports WindowsLinux, and NuttX or FreeRTOS as embedded RTOS

       - Micro XRCE-DDS Agent supports Windows and Linux platform

  Free and Open Source: Apache License 2.0

  Personalized Services & Commercial Support available

  Well documented & easy to use: See our available documentation

  Well suited for: Robotics, IoT, Automotive, Critical applications




Micro XRCE-DDS architecture

Micro XRCE-DDS is composed by two main elements:

Micro XRCE-DDS uses two additional components: Micro CDR, a de/serialization engine used in the Client library. And Micro XRCE-DDS Gen, a code generator tool creating Micro CDR de/serialization functions and Client apps examples from IDL sources.



Micro XRCE-DDS is focused on microcontroller applications which require a publisher/subscriber architecture. Some examples of this kind of applications are found in a sensor network, IoT or robotics. 

Some important companies such as Renesas and ROBOTIS are using already Micro XRCE-DDS as their middleware solution. Furthermore, the micro-ROS project, an extension of ROS2 (The Robot Operating System) for microcontrollers, has adopted Micro XRCE-DDS as its middleware layer, easing the adoption of Micro XRCE-DDS by a big community of developers with thousands of robotic and IoT active projects.



Release Notes Videos Manuals White Papers

Latest Release



Micro XRCE-DDS - Shapes Demo



Installation and User Manual

Getting Started

Common Use Cases

Introduction to XRCE

Introduction to DDS





This product was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Energy, Tourism and Digital Agenda, within the National plan of Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation 2013-2016. (Project TSI-101000-2016-20)

Gobierno de España logo  European Union logo



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28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid (Spain)