Internet of Things

 eProsima and IoT

The term IoT, or Internet of Things, refers to the collective network of connected devices and the technology that facilitates communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices themselves.

eProsima provides DDS solutions for every device:

  • Fast DDS: Microprocessor architectures
  • Safe DDS: Embedded devices. Microcontrollers.
  • Micro XRCE-DDS: eXtremely Resources Constrained Environments. Tiny microcontrollers and FPGAs.

And tools to connect them to the cloud: our DDS Router

Why eProsima?

eProsima DDS solutions are used by hundreds of thousands of developers (Fast DDS repo is cloned 50K times per month) in many different devices and applications. ROS2 is based on Fast DDS, and Micro-ROS, its official extension for microcontrollers, in Micro XRCE-DDS.

Thinking about creating an IoT device? DDS is proven, real-time, and you will ensure interoperability with many applications, so it is one of the protocols your device should support.

Examples of IoT success cases:

More information about eProsima, middleware & IoT:

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Contact Us

General Information:
Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: [email protected]

Tech Support:
Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: [email protected]

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All Rights Reserved.

Office address

Plaza de la Encina 10-11,
Nucleo 4, 2ª Planta
28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid (Spain)