
Fast DDS has been the middleware powering ROS2 for the last 8 years, and eProsima is responsible for many ROS2 tools (See Vulcanexus). As a result, hundreds of different mobile platforms use extensively our products.


Render Robot Vulcanbot 01eProsima released VulcanBot 01 as an example of a complete mobile platform for assistance and R&D applications using Vulcanexus.

But there are many options available in the market, as these examples:


Husarion Robots:

husarion pantherRugged Mobile Robots for demanding applications based in ROS2—Vulcanexus. Their robust, autonomous mobile robots can be used as a base platform for a variety of AMR (Autonomous Mobile Robots) applications. Husarion also offers the ROSBOT model, an inexpensive platform ideal for R&D purposes.




TurtleBot is a low-cost, personal robot kit with open-source software. It has been the ROS reference robot for many years and is now powered by ROS2 and Fast DDS. Its latest version is based on the iRobot Create 3 platform.


So, What platform should I choose?

It depends a lot on your specific requirements. If you need help choosing your platform and creating your personalized robot, do not hesitate to contact us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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