About eProsima
eProsima is a SME company focused on networking middleware with special attention to the OMG standard called Data Distribution Service for Real-time systems (DDS).
Our mission is to provide networking capabilities through DDS to everyone everywhere through our Open Source DDS products.
The company develops new features and plug-ins for DDS, interoperability tools, and personalized networking middleware solutions for its customers.
eProsima Customers,
Open Source Users & Partners
eProsima develops high performance middleware based on the OMG’s DDS standard, being its main products Fast DDS (formerly known as Fast RTPS) and Micro XRCE-DDS, a middleware connecting micro controllers to the DDS world. All of eProsima’s products are fully open source under the Apache 2.0 license.
eProsima also provides commercial support, including e.g. Architecture Studies, Engineering Time or feature acceleration services.

eProsima is an Open-Source company

Fast DDS & its tools are released under an Open-Source license. This, together with the best documentation and examples, has lead this product to be the most used DDS implementation worldwide, having more than 50.000 clones of our main repo per month.

Safe DDS, our ISO 26262 certified implementation, is a commercial, but with a very flexible and affordable licensing model. Contact us for details.
Our team
eProsima is comprised of passionate and experienced professionals focused on DDS middleware and more recently Artificial Intellige.
As unique as we are individually, we share a mutual passion for technology. eProsima is committed to provide personalized support for all our customers and organizations like OSRF (ROS), Sony, Deutsche Bahn, Apex.ai, Renesas, and Hexagon selected our company and our team for their projects.All we care for is to position our customers for success.
From only one founding member in 2004 eProsima has expanded to become 23 times bigger today. The eProsima team evolution chart below shows the tremendous progress done between 2004 and the beginning of 2019. We see that in 2009 there were two members in the team, this number grew to 5 employees in 2017, to 11 in 2018 and 16 in 2019, and currently in 2023 we have 23 people on board. The company is growing very fast and we expect to expand even more.
eProsima is a member of OMG, ROS2 TSC, ROS Industrial and FIWARE. Our high-quality open-source middleware products have been chosen for robotics, automated technology, and IoT. eProsima FAST DDS (formerly known as Fast RTPS) has been adopted by ROS 2 which is the main framework for robotics and eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS is the base of micro-ROS, the official ROS 2 extension for microcontrollers. These developments lead eProsima to launch Vulcanexus, an all-in-one ROS 2 tool set in 2022.
The department of AI within eProsima is responsible to combine our middleware efforts with AI technology. More specifically, eProsima currently leads two EU funded projects, ALMA and SustainML.
We believe in an open-source model where everyone can benefit from the existing middleware solutions that are available for free. We invest in our team, in our future and together we will make a difference.
If you would like to be part of our team please check our career section.