eProsima Partners

eProsima has partnership agreements with different companies and universities.  We develop joint projects with our partners, and we distribute their products.

KIARA Project:

KIARA is a new middleware project for the internet of the future, a subproject of the FI-WARE project (http://www.fi-ware.eu/ ). FI-WARE will deliver a novel service infrastructure, building upon elements (called Generic Enablers) which offer reusable and commonly shared functions making it easier to develop Future Internet Applications in multiple sectors. KIARA will be the middleware component of that infrastructure.

Our partners in this project are the Zurich University for Applied Sciences, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, and the German Center for IT Security, Privacy, and Accountability.

Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW):

Zurich University of Applied Sciences (www.zhaw.ch). With just under 9000 students, 26 bachelor degree programs and 10 consecutive Master’s programs, the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) is one of the largest multidisciplinary universities of applied sciences in Switzerland. Over 20 institutes and 30 centers at ZHAW provide business and industry with customized educational and research services.


German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI)

Founded in 1988, DFKI today is one of the largest non-profit contract research institutes in the field of innovative software technology based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) methods. DFKI is focusing on the complete cycle of innovation – from world-class basic research and technology development through leading-edge demonstrators and prototypes to product functions and commercialization. Based in Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, and Bremen, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence ranks among the important "Centers of Excellence" worldwide.



Saarland University / Center for IT Security, Privacy, and Accountability

Saarland University (Universität des Saarlandes, UdS) is a mid-sized public German university located close to the German-French border and near to Luxembourg. Computer science is in the center of Saarland University’s scientific profile, and it is fair to say that it is of high international standing. The Center for IT-Security, Privacy and Accountability (CISPA) is an organisational part of Saarland university and works in close collaboration with the chair for Information Security and Cryptography and the whole Department of Computer Science. CISPA was founded in 2011 as part of Germany’s initiative to establish three competence centers with outstanding expertise in IT-security.



BlackBerry_QNX                    Bosch                    Fiware                    Sony                    ROS_Industrial                    micro-ROS                    European_Commission                    Wind_River                  CISPA                    DFKI - German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence                    ZHAW                    PIAP                    ALGEBRAIC AI                    Carlos III University                    Champalimaud Foundation                    Inria                    TU Kaiserslautern                    Technical Research Centre of Finland                    Autoware                    NXP                    Amazon                                                            


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