Madrid, May 2021
eProsima launches the new release of Fast DDS v2.3.2. including improvements on the Statistics Module. Find below the detailed list of the main advancements accomplished in this new version.
New data variables are included on the Statistics Module. eProsima Fast DDS can be configured to gather and provide information about the data being exchanged by the user application such as: publication/subscription throughput, re-sent data, discovered entities, latency, etc. In other words, this is a building block that provides a base to monitor and understand how data is being produced, published, and received among the different communication nodes (DataReader/DataWriter) for applications using Fast DDS.
The new variables included in this release: history and network latency, publication and subscription throughput, RTPS packet loss, user sample data, discovery traffic data and physical data.
This feature and the obtained information will be helpful specially during the application development phase when a significant number of nodes (readers and writers) is used, or when having high volume data exchanged among nodes. In these cases, it is very common that network overload issues arise, so correct DDS configuration and design is key to avoid them. Fast DDS Statistics Module will help detect these bottlenecks in communications, network misbehaviour, QoS incompatibilities, performance hinders, etc. It is not unusual that, during deployment phases, the number of nodes or the amount of data published increases unexpectedly and network issues may start appearing. The Statistics Module can then be used to monitor data and help to solve configuration issues.
- Updated Asio submodule and avoided exporting Asio API
- Improved Windows installers
- Eased Google Fuzz integration
- Improved Doxygen documentation on lifetime of pointers created with RTPSDomain
- Updated Fast CDR to v1.0.21
- Recover from out-of-sync TCP datagrams. Synchronize TCP reception to wait for RTCP header
- Add a correct multicast address for UDPv6
Do you want to know more ? Check out the complete list of improvements and bug fixes on Fast DDS release notes!
- Excellent performance. Low latency, high throughput even in low bandwidth environments. See the performance benchmarks.
- Easy Multi-Platform Integration: Windows, Linux, Mac OS, QNX, VxWorks, iOS, Android, Raspbian.
- Free and Open Source: Apache License 2.0
- Standard based and Interoperable DDS compliance: OMG DDS 1.4 Compliant. Minimum profile
- Personalized Services Support Available
- Well documented easy to use: See our User Manual and a “hello world” example video tutorial here.
- Scalable : to simplify system integration for large-scale dynamic systems Fast DDS offers automatic discovery which provides plug-and-play functionality. It incorporates eProsima Discovery Server, a new discovery mechanism based on a centralized communications model. A core participant, referred to as a Server, handles all the information exchanged between participants on the network.
- Well suited for Robotics (latest release Fast DDS v2.3.1 is compliant with ROS 2 Galactic) and embedded environments (you can find more info in MicroXRCE-DDS)
- Best Effort and Reliable Communications in both Unicast and Multicast : Full RTPS compliant: OMG RTPS 2.2 compliant.
Visit the release page to check for more details.
Please also visit the eProsima Fast DDS product page for more information or download Fast DDS here.
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