R&D Projects

eProsima is opting for future technology and therefore, is actively involved in numerous Research & Development projects. Past and present projects are:

EU Projects

European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme with almost €80 billion of funding available for the period from 2014 to 2020.

ALMA - stands for a new machine learning technique based on the algebraic representation of data, the Algebraic Machine Learning (AML), and aims at developing a new generation of interactive, human-centric machine learning systems.


DIH² - visual-ROS - has the mission of accelerating and streamlining the automation of the manufacturer industry for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) through robotics, in order to drive economic growth across the European Union. Visual-ROS is one of the outcomes still in development and will be a tool for providing a user-friedly web-based grahical IDE to program ROS 2 applications.


OFERA - micro-ROS - has the goal to bridge the technological gap between the established robotic software platforms for high-performance computational devices and the low-level libraries for microcontrollers. The outcome has been micro-ROS, a robotic framework that puts ROS 2 onto microcontrollers.


ROS Industrial Projects

ROS Industrial (ROSIN) is a EU-funded project under the research and innovation programme Horizon 2020, and its purpose is to apply open source to factory automation through ROS by funding Focused Technical Project (FTP).

ROS2 Automated Benchmarks - has the target to develop a ROS 2 CI Benchmarking Platform offering a reference system with reproducible performance benchmarks and regression checks for ROS 2 and its middleware Fast DDS (formerly known as Fast RTPS), including stuttering detection, along with best-practices guidelines.


ROS2 Integration Service - has the objective to facilitate the connection between ROS 2 and other protocols, and to enable ROS 2 messages over WAN/Internet. The integration is mediated by the creation of a common framework, standard interfaces, and useful services to create general bridges and transformations.


ROS2 Shared Memory - has the goal to develop a shared memory (SHM) transport that enables fast communications between entities running in the same processing unit/machine, relying on the shared memory mechanisms provided by the host operating system.


Nano RTPS/Micro XRCE-DDS - aims to develop a minimal version of eProsima Fast DDS (formerly Fast RTPS) designed for extremely constrained resources environments.


For more information about eProsima and our R&D projects:

Please contact [email protected].



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