EU project: DIH2 - visual-ROS

DIH2 logoDescription:

DIH² is a EU-funded project with the mission of accelerating and streamlining the automation of the manufacturer industry for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) through robotics, in order to drive economic growth across the European Union. The project already established 25 Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) for 300,000 SMEs and expects to expand to 170 hubs by 2022.


The role of visual-ROS within the DIH² platform, is to bridge the gap between the factory automation domain and the robotics world, with the target of opening the gates for an unprecedented number of medium-scale industrial actors to the Robot Operating System (ROS 2).
visual-ROS is devised to be a tool for providing a user-friendly web-based graphical IDE to program ROS 2 applications, with the aim of making the use of the ROS 2 stack accessible even to users without any specific programming skills.

A beta version of visual-ROS is envisioned to be out for the Galactic release, and an official presentation of the first prototype will be delivered at the 2021 ROSCon.

eProsima and DIH²:

eProsima combines its long term expertise with all of their leading middleware technologies such as Fast DDS, the Integration Service (SOSS) and the implementation of the DDS-XTypes that all together works as an irreplaceable input for visual-ROS tool development.

DIH² financing:

The DIH² project is funded by the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824964. Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme with almost €80 billion of funding available for the period from 2014 to 2020.

EU European Commission logo



DIH² consortium:

DIH² is a consortium of more than 30 SMEs and Mid-Caps companies across Europe:

ARIES TransilvaniaBlumorphoCyricChalmers University of TechnologyInternational Data Spaces Associationiti Information Technologies InstituteDigital Hub LogisticsEuropean DynamicseProsimaEurecatFunding BoxFIWAREICENTFraunhoferIMECC,iTechnic GmbHLinz Center of MechatronicsIrish Manufacturing ResearchIntemacISDILoupe 16Consorzio C.R.E.A.T.ELithuanian Robotics AssociationPBN Pannon Business NetworkPIAPPROXiNNOVPomurski tehnološki parkVTT Technical Research Center of FinlandSIRRIS Driving Industry by TechnologyVATP Ventspils Augsto Tehnoloģiju parksSOFIA TechparkNCR National Centre of RoboticsROBO VALLEYPRODUTECH.

More Information about DIH²:

For any questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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