
Fast RTPS at Iot Congress 2016 (Oct 25-27)

Madrid, Nov 2016

eProsima was at the IoT Congress 2016 (Barcelona, 25-27 October 2016) presenting a Robotics Live Demo. We demonstrated how to automate a warehouse using simple robots powered by ROS2, the upcoming release of the Robotic Operating System. ROS2 uses our networking middleware, eProsima Fast RTPS, to connect the different components within and between robots.

ROS (Robot Operating System) Adopts Fast RTPS

Madrid, October 2016

The Robot Operating System (ROS) has announced in the ROSCON 2016 they adopt eProsima Fast RTPS as the default middleware for the upcoming release of ROS, known as ROS2.

ROS : Playing with real Robots

September 2016 - by Jaime Martin Losa, eProsima CEO.

In the last months Fast RTPS has become the default Open Source ROS2 communications engine and it has been tested intensively by many robotic companies.

We were willing to try by ourselves the features of ROS2 in real robots, preparing some proofs of concept to have some fun, and here is what we are doing:

FIWARE to use Fast RTPS

Madrid, September 2016

FIWARE, a Leading Internet of Future platform will use eProsima Fast RTPS as protocol for Robotic, IoT and Critical Applications. Fast RTPS has become a FIWARE Generic Enabler, and is offered to FIWARE users as part of the platform.

Released eProsima Fast RTPS 1.3.0

Madrid, August 2016

eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima Fast RTPS 1.3.0. This release introduces several new features:

  • Unbound Arrays support: Now you can send variable size data arrays.
  • Extended Fragmentation Configuration: It allows you to setup a Message/Fragment max size different to the standard 64Kb limit.
  • Improved logging system: Get even more introspection about the status of your communications system.
  • Static Discovery: Use XML to map your network and keep discovery traffic to a minimum.
  • Stability and performance improvements: A new iteration of our built-in performance tests will make benchmarking easier for you.
  • ReadTheDocs Support: We improved our documentation format and now our installation and user manuals are available online on ReadTheDocs.

eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics.

Released eProsima Fast RTPS 1.2.0

Madrid, June 2016

eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima Fast RTPS 1.2.0. This release introduces two important new features:

  • Flow Controllers: A mechanism to control how you use the available bandwidth avoiding data bursts. The controllers allow you to specify the maximum amount of data to be sent in a specific period of time. This is very useful when you are sending large messages requiring fragmentation.
  • Discovery Listeners: Now the user can subscribe to the discovery information to know the entities present in the network (Topics, Publishers & Subscribers) dynamically without prior knowledge of the system. This enables the creation of generic tools to inspect your system.

But there is more:

  • Full ROS2 Support: Fast RTPS is used by ROS2, the upcoming release of the Robot Operating System (ROS).
  • Better documentation: More content and examples.
  • Improved performance.
  • Bug fixing.

New License: Apache 2.0 - More Freedom.

Also this release introduces a license change from MPLv2 to Apache 2.0 License. This new license gives you more flexibility and freedom being Apache 2.0 one of the most permissive open source licenses.

eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics.

eProsima goes APACHE

Madrid, June 2016

eProsima announces the adoption of the Apache License 2.0 of the Apache Software Foundation for all its Open Source Products, including eProsima Fast RTPS and eProsima RPC over DDS.

Released eProsima Fast RTPS 1.1.0

Madrid, May 2016

eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima Fast RTPS 1.1.0. This release introduces two important new features:

  • Asynchronous Publishing Mode: This Publishing mode uses a separate thread to send your data, and returns the control to your user thread right after calling the write operation.
  • Large Data Support: Asynchronous publishing allows you to send Data Types larger than 64 Kbytes. The asynchronous publisher thread will take care of the fragmentation process.

But there is more:

  • VS 2015 Support
  • Better documentation: More content and examples.
  • Improved performance.
  • Bug fixing.

New License: More Freedom.

Also this release introduces a license change from LGPLv3 to MPLv2. This new license gives you more flexibility and freedom than LGPL allowing you to link statically eProsima Fast RTPS without considering the result a derivative work.

eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics.

ROS (Robot Operating System) Increased Support.

Madrid, May 2016

The upcoming release of ROS will use DDS/RTPS as the communication engine supporting several implementations, including eProsima Fast RTPS.

The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a flexible framework for writing robot software. It is a collection of tools, libraries, and conventions that aim to simplify the task of creating complex and robust robot behavior across a wide variety of robotic platforms.

3D Robotics Selects eProsima Fast RTPS for System Infrastructure

Madrid, May 2016

3DR (3D Robotics) has announced the adoption of eProsima Fast RTPS for their UAV systems. Below is their Press Release published in DroneCode and DIY Drones.

eProsima will Distribute Lynx Software Technologies in Spain and Portugal

Madrid, Feb 2016

eProsima has reach an agreement with Lynx Software Technologies, formerly known as Linux Works, to distribute the Lynx Products in Spain and Portugal, including LynxOS Real-Time Operating System and Lynx Secure Virtualization Technologies.

eProsima is specialized in high performance middleware for very exigent applications, most of them mission critical applications with real time and secure requirements. The Lynx products will help eProsima Customers to implement a complete solution from the operating system to the communications.

Released eProsima Fast RTPS 1.0.6

Madrid, Feb 2016

eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima Fast RTPS 1.0.6. This release adds support for new compilers, fixes some bugs, and improves the performance.

eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics.

Released eProsima RPC over DDS 1.0.3

Madrid, Feb 2016

eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima RPC over DDS 1.0.3 This release adds many new features and it is compliant with the latest Submission of the upcoming RPC over DDS Standard.

eProsima RPC over DDS is a high performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently in serveral platforms and programming languages. 

Released eProsima Fast RTPS 1.0.5

Madrid, Jan 2016

eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima Fast RTPS 1.0.5. This release adds support for new compilers and fixes some bugs.

eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics.

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Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: [email protected]

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Nucleo 4, 2ª Planta
28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid (Spain)