
eProsima will Distribute Lynx Software Technologies in Spain and Portugal

Madrid, Feb 2016

eProsima has reach an agreement with Lynx Software Technologies, formerly known as Linux Works, to distribute the Lynx Products in Spain and Portugal, including LynxOS Real-Time Operating System and Lynx Secure Virtualization Technologies.

eProsima is specialized in high performance middleware for very exigent applications, most of them mission critical applications with real time and secure requirements. The Lynx products will help eProsima Customers to implement a complete solution from the operating system to the communications.


Lynx Software Technologies

Lynx LogoLynx Software Technologies (formerly LynuxWorks) is a world leader in secure virtualization and open and reliable real-time operating system (RTOS). The company's LynxOS family of RTOSes offers open standards with the highest level of safety and security features, enabling many mission-critical systems in defense, avionics industrial, and other industries. The latest product in the product portfolio, the award winning LynxSecure, offers a secure separation kernel and hypervisor that forms a virtualization platform for securing both embedded and IT systems. Since it was established in 1988, Lynx Software Technologies has created technology that has been successfully deployed in thousands of designs and millions of products made by leading communications, industrial, transportation, avionics, aerospace/defense, and consumer electronics companies. Lynx Software Technologies’ headquarters are located in San Jose, CA.


eProsima, The Middleware Experts, is a company focused on High Performance networking middleware with special attention to the OMG (Object Management Group) DDS (Data Distribution Service) Standard.
eProsima helps its customers to choose and implement the right middleware products for their distributed systems, using different middleware technologies, such as RTPS (Real-Time Publish Subscribe Protocol), OMG DDS, ZeroMQ, Apache Thirft, Google Protocol Buffers and others.

eProsima is a recognized provider of high performance middleware for critical applications in Spain and Portugal, being the headquarters located in Madrid.



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Nucleo 4, 2ª Planta
28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid (Spain)