
eProsima is selected for the 16,8 million euros DIH2 project under Horizon 2020 programme.

Madrid, November 2018

eProsima is proud to announce that it was selected for the DIH2 project - the EU’s advanced robotic solutions oriented network of 26 European digital innovation hubs.

eProsima sponsors ROSCON 2018

Madrid, Sept 2018

eProsima sponsors the ROSCON 2018 (September 29th-30th, 2018), supporting the ROS community. 

eProsima Fast RTPS has been adopted by ROS (Robot Operating System) as their default middleware. Fast RTPS is Open Source and we follow an open development process, allowing the ROS community to participate and drive our roadmap.

Released eProsima Fast RTPS 1.6.0

Madrid, July 2018

eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima Fast RTPS 1.6.0. This release introduces several new features:

  • Persistence: Saves your sent messages in a database for late use.
  • Better Security: Finer Access Control.
  • Performance improvements: Even better latency and jitter.

eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics.

eProsima at FIWARE Summit 2018 Madrid

Madrid, May 2018

eProsima presented Fast RTPS, ROS2, and micro-ROS at the FIWARE Summit 2018 (May 8-9, 2018 - Porto)

eProsima Fast RTPS has been adopted by ROS (Robot Operating System) as their default middleware because its performance and features. Fast RTPS is also part of the FIWARE platform, a set of components to create smart applications.

We presented how to use Fast RTPS to connect to Robots and create distributed smart robotic applications.

Fast RTPS Paper: Quantitative analysis of security in distributed robotic frameworks

Madrid, Mar 2018

Investigators of the URJC analyze the performance of Fast RTPS Security in the new paper "Quantitative analysis of security in distributed robotic frameworks" from Dr. Francisco Martín Rico, Enrique Soriano-Salvador, and Dr. José María Cañas.

Released eProsima Fast RTPS 1.5.0

Madrid, July 2017

eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima Fast RTPS 1.5.0. This release introduces several new features:

  • Configuration of Fast RTPS entities through XML profiles.
  • Added heartbeat piggyback support.

eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics.

eProsima at FIWARE Summit 2017

Madrid, May 2017

eProsima presented “communicating with ROS robots using Fast RTPS” at FIWARE Summit 2017 (May 29-31, 2017 – Utrech)

eProsima Fast RTPS has been adopted by ROS (Robot Operating System) as their default middleware because its performance and features. Fast RTPS is also part of the FIWARE platform, a set of components to create smart applications.

We presented how to use Fast RTPS to connect to Robots and create distributed smart robotic applications.

Released eProsima Fast RTPS 1.4.0

Madrid, April 2017

eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima Fast RTPS 1.4.0. This release introduces several new features:

  • Security: Authentication and encryption support. DDS Security Specification compliant. 
  • Cpp 11 Support.
  • Removed Boost Libraries Dependencies.
  • Android Support
  • Improved performance for large data.

eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics.

eProsima at FIWARE Summit 2016

Madrid, December 2016

eProsima presented “Connecting to Robots” at FIWARE Summit 2016 (Dec 13-15, 2016 – Malaga)

eProsima Fast RTPS has been adopted by ROS (Robot Operating System) as their default middleware because its performance and features. Fast RTPS is also part of the FIWARE platform, a set of components to create smart applications.

We presented how to use Fast RTPS to connect to Robots and create distributed smart robotic applications.

eProsima at Tech Fest 2017

Madrid, February 2017

eProsima conducted a workshop on "ROS: Robot Operating System - Connecting to Robots" at Tech Fest 2017 (Feb 9-10, 2017 - Madrid)

We presented how to use ROS 2, the upcoming release of ROS (Robot Operating System), and the features of its underlying middleware eProsima Fast RTPS.

eProsima Fast RTPS has been adopted by ROS (Robot Operating System) as their default middleware because its performance and features.

eProsima presented Fast RTPS at using std::cpp 2016 conference

Madrid, November 2016

using std::cpp 2016 conference is an event focused in the latest news about the Cpp programming language. eProsima presented in the conference demonstrating how to connect distributed systems using Cpp and eProsima Fast RTPS.

Fast RTPS is selected by Magma for the AirVision Project

Madrid, November 2016

Magma Solutions, a company focused on the development of Navigation and Imaging Systems for UAVs, has selected eProsima Fast RTPS for their AirVision Project.

Released eProsima Shapes Demo 1.3.1

Madrid, November 2016

eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima Shapes Demo 1.3.1.

Shapes Demo is an application that Publishes and Subscribes to shapes of different colors and sizes moving on a board. Each Shape conforms its own topic: Square, Triangle or Circle. A single instance of the Shapes Demo can publish on or subscribe to several topics at a time.

It can be used to demonstrate the capabilities of eProsima Fast RTPS or as an interoperability demonstrator with other implementations of the RTPS protocol.

Contact Us

General Information:
Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: [email protected]

Tech Support:
Phone: +34 91 804 34 48
Email: [email protected]

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All Rights Reserved.

Office address

Plaza de la Encina 10-11,
Nucleo 4, 2ª Planta
28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid (Spain)