Madrid, November 2018
eProsima is proud to announce that it was selected for the DIH2 project - the EU’s advanced robotic solutions oriented network of 26 European digital innovation hubs.
The project is funded through the I4MS initiative of the European Commission programme Horizon 2020, the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme for the period of 2014-2020.
Horizon 2020 is the EU Research and Innovation programme with nearly €80 billion of funding available over 7 years (2014 to 2020) – in addition to the private investments. It englobes different initiatives in order to ensure Europe produces high-class science, removes obstacles to innovation and facilitates the common work of the public and private sectors in delivering innovation. One of these initiatives - I4MS is oriented to assist manufacturing SMEs and mid-caps in the boundless use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in their work operations.
The I4MS was launched in July 2013 and with the budget of 77M€ funding aims to expand the digital innovation of manufacturing SMEs in Europe along three dimensions:
- Provide access to competences that can help in assessing, planning and mastering the digital transformation.
- Provide access to innovation networks of a broad spectrum of competencies and best practice examples.
- Provide financial support to SMEs and mid-caps on the demand and the supply side to master the digital transformation.
Under I4MS, SMEs can apply for technological and financial support to conduct small experiments allowing them to test digital innovations in their business via open calls.
In addition to I4MS, the Horizon 2020 oriented 16,8 million euros of its budget to fund the DIH2 project to reach more than 300,000 manufacturing industry SMEs offering expertise and support for agile production challenges, including technologies, investments, standardization, know-how, and competencies, as well as ethics, data, and cybersecurity. Many organizations still struggle to make the most of the digital opportunities due to lack of knowledge or difficulties to find finance. The DIH2 project aims to overcome this challenge by uniting the hubs expertize. Its consortium comprises 37 partners, 28 countries, including 26 innovation centers, and 10 companies providing operative expertise.
Being selected for the DIH2, eProsima with its open source products and expertize is contributing to the digital innovations, strengthening the position of small and medium companies at the world market.
eProsima open source products are already used in such robotic projects as ROS2 and Micro ROS. (See also our press releases about our last customers: ULMA, Renesas, Robotis...)
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