Madrid, June 2016
eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima Fast RTPS 1.2.0. This release introduces two important new features:
- Flow Controllers: A mechanism to control how you use the available bandwidth avoiding data bursts. The controllers allow you to specify the maximum amount of data to be sent in a specific period of time. This is very useful when you are sending large messages requiring fragmentation.
- Discovery Listeners: Now the user can subscribe to the discovery information to know the entities present in the network (Topics, Publishers & Subscribers) dynamically without prior knowledge of the system. This enables the creation of generic tools to inspect your system.
But there is more:
- Full ROS2 Support: Fast RTPS is used by ROS2, the upcoming release of the Robot Operating System (ROS).
- Better documentation: More content and examples.
- Improved performance.
- Bug fixing.
New License: Apache 2.0 - More Freedom.
Also this release introduces a license change from MPLv2 to Apache 2.0 License. This new license gives you more flexibility and freedom being Apache 2.0 one of the most permissive open source licenses.
eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics.
Main Features of eProsima Fast RTPS:
- High performance. See the performance benchmarks.
- Multi-Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS, Android, Raspbian
- Easy to use: See a hello world video tutorial here.
- Free and Open Source: Apache 2.0 License
- Commercial Support Available.
- Full RTPS compliance: OMG RTPS 2.2 Compliant. Best Effort and Reliable Communications in both Unicast and Multicast.
Downloads and Online Documentation
Please visit the eProsima Fast RTPS product page.
eProsima Fast RTPS is a faster than other pub/sub alternatives such as ZMQ:
More Information about eProsima Fast RTPS:
For any questions please contact