
micro-ROS at the PX4 Developer Summit 2021

Madrid, August 2021

The PX4 Developer Summit 2021 is a 2-day event in which professionals form all over the world exchange technological insights of the drone sector. (14th & 15th of September)

At this year's summit, speakers from companies like NXP, Canonical, Open Robotics and of course Auterion, besides many universities and further companies, will present talks varying from software development to hardware components.

On September 15th, 11.05am PDT, eProsima Embedded Software Engineer Pablo Garrido, and Nuno Marques, Software Engineer, Systems Integrator and founder of, will present “ROS2 and PX4: Technical Details of a Seamless Transition to XRCE-DDS and Micro-ROS”.

The talk will cover the basic concepts around the micro-RTPS bridge used to integrate PX4 into the DDS world, and the proposal of using Micro XRCE-DDS and later micro-ROS, focusing on the core concepts and technical details behind the migration.

For registration and further information follow this link.


Nuno Marques has more than 5 years of software engineering and system integration experience as a contractor and consultant, recording the participation in over 30 projects and product development for more than 25 companies and organisations in the drone industry over these years. He founded in 2018 and co-founded DroneCrew, together with Dr. James Goppert, in 2015.

For the last couple of years, Nuno has been directly responsible for the implementation and maintenance of the micro-RTPS bridge in PX4. He is currently also the component owner of ROS/MAVROS/ROS2 related matters in PX4 and he has been actively contributing to the PX4 ecosystem since 2014.


eProsima is an SME company focused on networking middleware with special attention to the OMG standard called Data Distribution Service for Real-time systems (DDS).

eProsima believes in the open source model and provides such middleware solutions as eProsima Fast DDS adopted by ROS 2 and eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS for microcontrollers and micro-ROS. Its other products eProsima RPC over DDS, eProsima Integration Service, eProsima Non-Intrusive DDS Recorder, eProsima Dynamic Fast Buffers or eProsima Shapes Demo are widely used as well.


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