
Congratulations for the Galactic Geochelone release!

Madrid, May 2021

Fast DDS ready 4 Galactic


Looking forward to new contributions and use cases out of this world.

eProsima main products Fast DDS and Micro XRCE-DDS are prepared for this space ride with its latest ROS 2 release including new features.


Ready for Galactic Geochelone

We know the importance of having an efficient and complete DDS solution in robotics and applications using micro-controllers. eProsima’s team has worked hard on Fast DDS and Micro XRCE-DDS to be ready for ROS 2 latest release along with the delivery of new functionalities:



  •   Micro XRCE-DDS v.2.0.0 includes
    • Client new improvements -  middleware callbacks API, client to Agent ping feature without a session and Micro XRCE-DDS Agent Snap package 
    • Agent new improvements - Zephyr RTOS time functions support, Custom transports API, Continuous fragment mode.


How to use Fast DDS with ROS 2?

Fast DDS is the default DDS middleware implementation used in the long term support version of ROS 2, Foxy Fritzroy

Find out how to use Fast DDS in Galactic Geochelone here, available from v.2.3.1 on.  We recommend developers to use the ROS 2 Desktop Install in which you only have to configure the variable RMW implementation in order to be able to use Fast DDS.


What's next?

On our roadmap for ROS 2 Galactic, we include our recently launched Integration Service. This eProsima solution is an open source product which enables intercommunication of an arbitrary number of protocols that speak different languages.  

Furthermore, we are preparing a new micro-ROS release suited for Galactic Geochleone, with our Micro XRCE-DDS in its core.

And last but not least, a lot of interesting new features, products and fixes for Fast DDS.




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