Madrid, October 2021
eProsima and Sony are working together to develop the Content Filtered Topics feature in Fast DDS that will be available to use in ROS 2.
Madrid, October 2021
eProsima and Sony are working together to develop the Content Filtered Topics feature in Fast DDS that will be available to use in ROS 2.
Madrid, September 2021
Renesas is teaming with eProsima to facilitate the adoption of Robotics in the Industrial and IoT sectors. Renesas RA6M5 based micro-ROS project is a disruptive solution that provides an eclipse environment that covers the full development cycle of embedded applications in ROS 2. This will strongly impact on reducing the time-to-market of robotics solutions across many different sectors.
Madrid, July 2021
The Hircus from CAPRA Robotics is a patented platform for outdoor mobile robots and integrates micro-ROS to close the gap between low and high-level systems.
Madrid, May 2021
Wyca Robotics has chosen micro-ROS for the development of Elodie. This ROS 2 powered self-driving indoor robot relies on micro-ROS to ease communications in a resource constrained device environment.
Madrid, April 2021
Deutsche Bahn opts for eProsima Fast DDS and Discovery Server within the scope of the Sensors4Rail pilot project and implements this high-performance technology into a S-Bahn Hamburg train equipped with sensors and cameras checking over 28,000 points and a highly accurate localization system for the future development of highly automated and smart rails.
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