Madrid, November 2022
eProsima was present at the ROSCon 2022 in Kyoto with the ROS community. In this article you’ll find the eProsima highlights and takeaways of the yearly event that gathers in one place all the robotics and open-source software enthusiasts.
The ROScon 2022, which took place in Kyoto during the 20th and 21st of October, was a very special edition. After 2 years of online events and social distancing due to COVID, the ROS community finally had the chance to gather in one place and share innovative ideas and projects around one topic, the shared interest in robotics and open-source software. At eProsima we couldn’t miss this date and we were very excited to share with the community the latest news on Fast DDS (the default DDS implementation in ROS 2) and micro-ROS and other solutions.
During the first day of the conference, which was attended by over 800 people from 38 different countries, we had the chance to deliver a talk on ROS 2 network monitoring. Raúl Sánchez-Mateos (Senior Software Engineer) explained how to optimize the performance of ROS 2 networks with the Vulcanexus tool ROS 2 Monitor. This tool, also known as Fast DDS Monitor in its version for Fast DDS, offers a graphical interface to monitor in real-time all the entities in your system (Talkers, Listeners, QoS parameters etc.), and also many other network and DDS statistics. ROS 2 Monitor enables the visualization of the network performance through live graphs of latency, throughput, packet loss and more.
On the second day of the ROSCon Kyoto, Eduardo Ponz (Senior Software Engineer at eProsima) showed to the community the Content Filtered Topics feature included in Fast DDS and available in ROS 2. This new feature, developed in collaboration with Sony, provides a way to filter the contents of a topic, and a listener received all the updates of a given topic in ROS 2.
That day we also updated the robotics community with 2 lightning talks. The first one on “What’s new in micro-ROS”, as Pablo Garrido (Senior Embedded Software Engineer at eProsima) gave details of the new micro-ROS Humble version and the support for Renesas boards. In the second lightning talk, Raúl Sánchez-Mateos gave an overview of the DDS Router, available in Vulcanexus as ROS 2 Router, a software that enables the communication of distributed DDS and ROS 2 networks.
eProsima was also present at the closing panel of the event, ROS for Mission-Critical Applications. Katrin Kellner (COO at eProsima), discussed together with Guilio Corradi (AMD) and Kyle Marcey (Apex.AI) about how developers can build, test and verify mission critical applications with ROS for use cases such as autonomous driving or space travel.
During the event we enjoyed the interest shown in our products, as other talks mentioned or were built around solutions such as micro-ROS. That is the case of the talk “micro-ROS goes Automotive: supporting AUTOSAR-based microcontrollers” from Bosch, and also Avi Brown’s (Edge Impulse) talk “ROS 2 & Edge Impulse: Embedded AI in robotics applications”.
In conclusion, ROSCon 2022 was exciting and full of positive vibes, as we had the opportunity to finally show the ROS community in person what’s new in eProsima, and also learn from many other ROS enthusiasts about their new projects and upcoming contributions to ROS. Felt just like catching up with a good old friend.
We can’t wait to see you next year at the ROSCon New Orleans!
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