Madrid, May 2022
eProsima is excited to announce the inclusion of Fast DDS in the new ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill release, the latest ROS 2 release with support until 2027.
In fact, Fast DDS was selected as the default DDS middleware for the ROS 2 Humble, allowing ROS 2 users to develop their robotics applications using a reliable and performance optimized implementation.
Known for many features like:
- Real-time behavior
- DDS Security
- Discovery Server
- Shared Memory/Zero copy
- Synchronous and asynchronous publishing modes
- and many more
eProsima was able to include even more characteristics in Fast DDS for the Humble release:
- Content Filtered Topic feature (CFT) that provides the Topic with filtering capabilities, enabling users to segment the subset of data of their interest under certain criteria when subscribing to a topic.
- Add remote servers and modify server locators at runtime: now it is possible to programmatically add and modify the participant’s list of remote servers to which the running server or client should connect while a server or client is running.
- Static Discovery new format: the new exchange format reduces the necessary network bandwidth to transmit Static.
- XML support for Fast DDS CLI.
- Complete events support: incompatible QoS notification for Publisher and Subscriber.
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