
Release of eProsima Fast DDS 2.0 with DDS API compliance

Madrid, June 2020

With the release of version 2.0, eProsima announces the compliance of Fast RTPS with the OMG DDS 1.4 standard and therefore the symbolic change of name to Fast DDS.

In addition to this achievement, Fast DDS 2.0 offers improved CPU and memory usages besides other improvements and new features. 


eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics. The dds middleware implements many DDS specifications like DDS Security, DDS-XTypes, RPC over DDS, DDS TCP PSM and Modern C DDS Mapping but some core DDS APIs were not yet fully compliant with the standard.
With the completion of the compliance with the OMG DDS 1.4 standard, eProsima also changed the name to Fast DDS 2.0!

Important changes for the version 2.0 are:

API breaks:

  • eClock API, which was deprecated on v1.9.1, has been removed
  • eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::RTPSDomain::createParticipant methods now have an additional first argument domain_id
  • Data member domainId has been removed from eprosima::fastrtps::rtps::RTPSParticipantAttributes and added to eprosima::fastrtps::ParticipantAttributes

Deprecation announcement:

  • All classes inside the namespace eprosima::fastrtps should be considered deprecated. Equivalent functionality is offered through namespace eprosima::fastdds
  • Namespaces beneath eprosima::fastrtps are not included in this deprecation, i.e. eprosima::fastrtps::rtps can still be used

New features:


But there is more:

The new version also includes other features, bug fixing and performance improvements.

For a complete list of improvements and bug fixes please read the Fast DDS release notes


eProsima Fast DDS 2.0 with improved CPU usage in interprocess for asynchronous and synchronous publication modes and with UDPv4 (udp) and Shared memory (SHM) transports.


The CPU improvements entail a significant latency and throughput improvement when sending large messages (9+ MB) within a loaded system, with special impact on the case of RELIABLE reliability

Main Features of eProsima Fast DDS:

  • High performance. See the performance benchmarks.
  • Multi-Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac OS, QNX, VxWorks, iOS, Android, Raspbian.
  • Easy to use: See a hello world video tutorial here.
  • Free and Open Source: Apache License 2.0
  • Commercial Support Available.
  • DDS compliance: OMG DDS 1.4 Compliant. Minimum profile
  • Full RTPS compliance: OMG RTPS 2.2 Compliant. Best Effort and Reliable Communications in both Unicast and Multicast.

Downloads and Online Documentation

Please visit the eProsima Fast DDS product page.

About eProsima:

eProsima is an SME company focused on networking middleware with special attention to the OMG standard called Data Distribution Service for Real-time systems (DDS).

eProsima believes in the open source model and provides such middleware solutions as eProsima Fast DDS that is adopted by ROS 2 and eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS that gives access to DDS for eXtreme Resource Constrained Environments: Microcontrollers and which is the base of micro-ROS. Its other products eProsima RPC over DDS, eProsima Integration ServiceeProsima Non-Intrusive DDS RecordereProsima Dynamic Fast Buffers or eProsima Shapes Demo are widely used as well.

Selected by OSRF (ROS), Apex.aiClearpath RoboticsAmazonAuterionDronecode3D RoboticsIntelligent Robots, and others, eProsima focuses on the customer needs and provides personalized solutions as per demand.

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More information about eProsima Fast DDS:

For any questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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