
New eProsima Fast DDS Monitor 2.0

Madrid, January 2024

Introducing the new Fast DDS Monitor 2.0, the open-source graphical desktop application that allows users to track their Fast DDS network performance in real-time, now includes a complete Domain Graph: Browse your nodes, topics, QoS settings, matches... etc.

This new release improves the tool's overall analyzing and debugging methods with an enhanced and improved display of your DDS deployment and error report. Your DDS application's deployment and relationships visualization will be as complete and efficient as ever.

What is new?

  • Tabs: We've introduced a structured approach to your view with tabs. You can now view charts (previous layout) and other views in the same window.
  • Domain Graph: Get a comprehensive overview of all entities (physical, logical, and DDS entities).
    Visualize connections as relationships between endpoints via topics, with physical and DDS entity relations now nested boxed.  Get more insights by filtering the graph by topic, focusing on datareaders and datawriters related to your selected topic.
  • Status Updates: Our new Status view serves as your command center for tracking reported problems, such as incompatible QoS configurations, sample loss, or deadlines missed. Should any entity encounter an issue, its status (error or warning) will be prominently displayed next to its name in the graph and within the Status view. Plus, you have the flexibility to filter statuses by entity in the view.


For more details check the following documentation:



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