Transferring large data over unreliable networks (e.g., Wi-Fi) can be a complex task that can lead to communication issues and packet loss and require a complex DDS configuration.
Fast DDS introduces the solution to large data transfer on lossy networks:
- Auto-configure built-in transports, simplifying the process and enhancing reliability.
- The TCP transport layer was enhanced to add reliability and performance.
These improvements aim to avoid large data packet loss, delayed packets, and network congestion, which previously required users to look for a complex DDS configuration.
Moreover, these improvements are achieved effortlessly. Users can choose:
- Modify an environment variable
- Modify via XML
- Modify through C + + API
How is it done?
Fast DDS discovers all nodes via UDP and later changes the data transfer to TCP, leveraging TCP’s benefits of transferring data and avoiding manual configuration complexities.
Transferring large data (images, video, point clouds) is easy in all data links (Wi-Fi, Radio, mobile link…) in Indoor and outdoor scenarios.
This enhancement is particularly valuable in ROS 2 environments, where utilizing Lidar, Depth cameras, and Wi-Fi networks is typical.
The new feature is available in Vulcanexus and will soon be available in the general ROS 2 distributions. Download our dockers or install them from our Debian repos.
Watch how it works!
Visit the release page to check for more details.
Please also visit the eProsima Fast DDS product page for more information or download Fast DDS here.
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