

First Sony drone uses Fast DDS

Madrid, August 2022

The Sony Airpeak, the first-ever drone from the Japanese tech multinational Sony, is using eProsima Fast DDS within the drone and the controller.

Sony Airpeak S1 opted for Fast DDS (also known as Fast RTPS) as a safe, secure and reliable DDS implementation with low memory consumption to ensure the perfect operation of the high-end drones, according to their Airpeak OSS list. Other complementing components are PX4, the open source autopilot for drone development, and ROS, the Robot Operating System.

Fast DDS is a high-quality communication middleware, based on the DDS (Data Distribution Service) standard by the OMG (Object Management  Group). Fast DDS is the most complete open source C++ implementation library for real-time distributed systems.



Sony is a worldwide renowned technology and entertainment company with roots in Japan. During its more than 70 years of existence Sony has proven its worth and created a market leader reputation developing countless product innovations.

Till this day, Sony constantly continues its investigations in a variety of sectors, one of them being robotics and artificial intelligence (AI).



eProsima is an SME company focused on networking middleware with special attention to the OMG (Object Management Group) standard called Data Distribution Service (DDS) for real time systems. The company’s DDS middleware solutions find special interest in the robotic, IoT and automotive sector, being Fast DDS a middleware implementations for larger robotic systems like ROS 2 and Micro XRCE-DDS the default middleware for micro-ROS, a robot operating system for microcontrollers.



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