Madrid, December 2021
eProsima is proud to announce that Fast DDS has been selected by the ROS 2 Technical Steering Committee (TSC) as the default middleware for the next ROS 2 version.
The ROS 2 TSC, after a thorough analysis of the Technical Evaluation Reports provided by Open Robotics and the different DDS providers, voted and selected Fast DDS in synchronous configuration for the next release of ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill.
Fast DDS has already been the default RMW of the latest long term supported (LTS) version Foxy Fitzroy and now will continue providing high quality communications as the default middleware on the upcoming ROS 2 Humble Hawksbill LTS version.
This recent re-election proves that the eProsima DDS implementation convinces the community in terms of performance, liability and features.
From the eProsima team, we would like to thank Open Robotics, the ROS 2 TSC members, and the ROS community for making this great project possible.
For any questions please contact