
Fast DDS: Configure Shared Memory (SHM) transport behavior

Fast DDS: Configure Shared Memory (SHM) transport behavior

Fast DDS introduces a new feature to get more efficiency and flexibility. The new participant property allows developers to fine-tune the discovery phase by leveraging the Shared Memory (SHM) Transport metatraffic behavior.

Let's go into the details:

By default, the SHM transport behaves swiftly during the discovery phase. While participant discovery utilizes UDP multicast, endpoint discovery employs UDP unicast. However, with the latest feature, developers can change these defaults to use shared memory for both discovery scenarios.

Want to know a use case?

Consider this: When a participant only relies on SHM transport, it might fail to discover other participants using UDP and SHM. By enabling SHM multicast discovery, users unlock seamless discovery capabilities. Alternatively, enabling SHM unicast discovery can expedite discovery processes within the same machine. 

Developers can customize this behavior to fit their specific requirements using an XML file ((XML Profiles) or the C++ API.




  • Excellent performance: Low latency, high throughput even in low bandwidth environments. See the performance benchmarks.
  • Easy Multi-Platform Integration: Windows, Linux, Mac OS, QNX, VxWorks, iOS, Android, Raspbian.
  • Free and Open Source: Apache License 2.0
  • Standard-based and Interoperable DDS compliance: OMG DDS 1.4 Compliant. Minimum profile
  • Full RTPS compliance: OMG RTPS 2.2 compliant
  • Personalized Services & Commercial Support available
  • Well-documented & easy to use: See our User Manual and a "hello world" example video tutorial here.
  • Well-suited for: Robotics, IoT, Automotive, and Critical applications



Visit the release page to check for more details.

Please also visit the eProsima Fast DDS product page for more information or download Fast DDS here.



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