Madrid, September 2020
eProsima is happy to sponsor the first ever ROS World, this November 12th, 2020, 9am - 4.30pm CST (4pm - 11.30pm CET). It will be a virtual event full of interesting topics around the ROS ecosystem and thanks to the generous sponsorships also free for all attendees.
The ROS World 2020 will include pre-recorded videos and live talks, social events, and panels. Additionally, the organizers will offer affiliate communities, like Autoware, DroneCode and others, the opportunity to organize topic related tracks in parallel.
With virtual booths, participants will be able to learn more about exhibitors and their contribution to ROS and both parties can connect easily through 1:1 meetings, chats or similar.
Included in the ROS World programm are sessions like "micro-ROS on microcontrollers" by eProsima on the FIWARE Foundation track (2pm to 2.30pm CST) or "micro-ROS: a bridge between ROS 2 and PX4" by Auterion on the Dronecode track (3pm to 3.15pm CST).
Do not hesitate to meet us at our virtual booth, we will be happy to answer any questions about our ROS middleware, our DDS solutions and current projects at our booth.
For more information and registration please visit the ROS World website!
ROS World 2020: FIWARE Parallel Session from Open Robotics on Vimeo.
ROS World 2020: Dronecode Parallel Session from Open Robotics on Vimeo.
eProsima is an SME company focused on networking middleware with special attention to the OMG standard called Data Distribution Service for Real-time systems (DDS).
eProsima believes in the open source model and provides middleware solutions such as eProsima Fast DDS, adopted by ROS 2 and eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS that gives access to DDS for eXtreme Resource Constrained Environments (microcontrollers) and which is the base of micro-ROS. Other products are: eProsima RPC over DDS, eProsima Integration Service, eProsima Non-Intrusive DDS Recorder, eProsima Dynamic Fast Buffers or eProsima Shapes Demo.
For any questions please contact