
Microsoft Azure RTOS integrates micro-ROS

Madrid, September 2021

The micro-ROS framework has been fully integrated in Azure RTOS embedded development suite.
This major contribution (github repo) was done using a STMicroelectronics B-L475E-IOT01A.

This achievement brings the following benefits: 

  • To seamlessly integrate ROS 2 compatible nodes in Azure RTOS supported hardware.
  • To have a full featured API with all ROS 2 concepts (such as publishers, subscribers, services or executors) in the far edge of the robotic application and integrated in the Azure RTOS build system.  
  • To integrate micro-ROS and ROS 2 applications taking advantage of the complete set of functionality of ThreadX kernel and the whole Azure RTOS ecosystem.
  • To implement custom communication mechanisms between embedded platforms and ROS 2 using Azure RTOS APIs.


 Azure RTOS, developed by Microsoft in C, is an embedded development suite including an operating system that provides reliable, ultra-fast performance for resource-constrained devices. It is easy-to-use and market-proven, having been deployed on more than 10 billion devices worldwide. Azure RTOS supports the most popular 32-bit microcontrollers and embedded development tools.


micro-ROS is the official extension of ROS 2 (Robot Operating System) for microcontroller units (MCUs). The micro-ROS framework allows a standardized integration of the embedded world into the ROS 2 Data Space. 

Check the following video “Getting started with micro-ROS and Azure RTOS"  to get the insights and reproduce the integration of micro-ROS in any Azure RTOS supported HW. 




eProsima, the company behind micro-ROS, is an SME company focused on networking middleware with special attention to the OMG (Object Management Group) standard called Data Distribution Service for real-time systems (DDS). The company’s DDS middleware solutions find special interest in the robotic, IoT and automotive sector, being Fast DDS a middleware implementation for larger robotic systems like ROS 2 and Micro XRCE-DDS the default middleware for micro-ROS, a robot operating system for microcontrollers. 


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