

micro-ROS on Capgemini Engineering

Madrid, October 2021

Air quality sensing with MAVs (micro aerial vehicle), and Mind-controlled drones are two clear examples of R&D projects by Capgemini Engineering that are combining ROS 2 and micro-ROS.

These projects are focused on indoor drone applications for inspection/sensing, and are based on:  

  • Ground station based on a Linux computer with ROS 2 
  • Crazyflie 2.1 Drone (STM32 running on FreeRTOS)



micro-ROS provides additional benefits that rely on: 

  • Interoperability with other ROS2-based applications
  • Increased flexibility and interaction with multiple systems such as sensors and HMIs due to DDS 


More specifically, the main highlights of micro-ROS integrations in UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) technology are:

  • The capacity of writing code on a real time middleware since drones are critical applications
  • Writing services oriented applications based on ROS 2 communication paradigms.
  • Integrating UAVs in to the a growing robotic ecosystem such as ROS 2


Both projects were kicked off in March 2021. The use of micro-ROS helped to overcome challenges like the memory consumption (partially solved by static memory pools), and the usage of custom transports on top of a radio link to interface with ROS 2. 

micro-ROS integration was smooth and counted on Github for great support according to the Capgemini SW development team. 

For further detail about “Air quality sensing with MAVs and Mind-controlled drones” watch the presentations done by Rui Miguel Santos and Diana Cristina Teixeira in September Embedded Working Group.



eProsima is an SME company focused on networking middleware with special attention to the OMG (Object Management Group) standard called Data Distribution Service for real-time systems (DDS). The company’s DDS middleware solutions find special interest in the robotic, IoT and automotive sector, being Fast DDS a middleware implementation for larger robotic systems like ROS 2 and Micro XRCE-DDS the default middleware for micro-ROS, a robot operating system for microcontrollers.

micro-ROS counts with hundreds of users increasingly due to the evolution of the embedded applications and the involvement of major companies in developing combined applications that gather MCUs and CPUs. 



Capgemini Engineering is the global leader in Engineering and R&D services, asd supports leading industry players to develop the products and services of tomorrow, from concept through industrialization.



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