
Fast RTPS is now Fast DDS!

Madrid, May 2020

eProsima officially announces the change of name from Fast RTPS to Fast DDS.

eProsima Fast RTPS is a high performance publish subscribe framework to share data in distributed systems using a decoupled model based on Publishers, Subscribers and Data Topics. The dds middleware implements many DDS Specifications like DDS Security, DDS-XTypes, RPC over DDS, DDS TCP PSM and Modern C++ DDS Mapping but some core DDS APIs were not yet fully compliant with the standard.
During the last years, eProsima worked continuously on new features, innovative tools and the standard’s APIs to make Fast RTPS what it is today, the most complete open source DDS middleware.

Now, eProsima is proud to be able to say that the eProsima Fast RTPS implementation is compliant with the OMG DDS 1.4 and RTPS 2.2 standards.

As a symbol for this moment Fast RTPS changes its name to Fast DDS!

We want to assure our users that the change of name to Fast DDS will not affect the open source licence, nor the middleware functionality, features or tools!


For more information on Fast DDS, please visit the product page.

The differences between Fast DDS 2.0 and Fast RTPS 1.10.0 can be found here.


For any questions please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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