Madrid, November 2020
eProsima declares Q1!
Earlier this month we announced that Fast DDS was on the right path to reach the highest quality level in the ROS 2 ecosystem. Today this promise has come true!
Since our last announcement about the code coverage increase for Fast DDS, we have focused on maximizing this coverage rate, a prerequisite to be able to attain Q1 level. This helps to prevent undetected software bugs.
In addition, we have already set forth a code coverage policy, the last requirement to reach Q1 as per Open Robotics standards for quality assurance. Thanks to this policy in force, any new development shall maintain or even increase the Fast DDS code coverage.
A detailed list of reasons supporting eProsima’s Q1 certification can be found at the Fast DDS quality declaration in eProsima’s repository.
Each of the previous quality levels or maturity package certifications obtained by Fast DDS before attaining Q1 also implied the fulfilment of a series of policies. The complete list of requirements about versioning, change control, documentation, testing, dependencies, platform support and security for each level and its descriptions can be found on the corresponding webpage of ROS.
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