Madrid, May 2020
eProsima sponsors this year’s ROS Developers Day 2020 on June 27th. It will be a day full of interesting topics for ROS developers of all levels, including two lectures from eProsima themselves.
The third edition of this virtual event by The Construct offers hands-on presentations about the ROS development with coding examples and various simulations. Speakers from Open Robotics, Wind River, Pal Robotics, the university lecturer Francisco Martin Rico and also eProsima Software Engineers besides others will share their knowledge of the ROS/ROS 2 world.
eProsima will present the following two topics:
Server-Client Discovery: an alternative node discovery mechanism for ROS 2 (12:30 PM CEST):
The eProsima Discovery Server is a feature since Fast RTPS 1.9.x and a high performance discovery alternative for the traditional multicast used in ROS 2. This feature is especially suitable for systems with a large number of nodes. Eduardo Ponz Segrelles, Software Engineers at eProsima, will present the Discovery Server mechanism with practical examples.
Introduction to micro-ROS: getting started with Zephyr (02:30 PM CEST):
micro-ROS is a robot operating system which integrates microcontrollers and sensors into the ROS 2 (Robot Operating System) environment. More specifically, the Software Engineer, Pablo Garrido Sánchez, will show how to run micro-ROS on the real time operating system (RTOS) Zephyr.
For more information and subscription please visit the ROS Developers Day page!
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