Madrid, March 2021
Hexagon's Geosystems division, a global leader of digital data capture, measurement and visualisation solutions, chose eProsima Fast DDS as the DDS middleware implementation for a recent prototyping project of a coastal laser mapping solution.
This project uses an airplane equipped with viewer consoles to display live data collected by a LiDAR bathymetric measuring unit. An archiver stores this live data to a point cloud database storage for post-processing. The live data submission rate from the point cloud publisher is about 2 MB/s, and in addition, a small amount of meta data is submitted at least once every 15 minutes.
The eProsima Fast DDS middleware assures the reliability of the real-time data transport. Furthermore, to accommodate Hexagon’s requirements, eProsima enhanced the Fast DDS’ persistence service to support data samples larger than 65 kB within this project's scope.
eProsima is an SME company focused on networking middleware with special attention to the OMG (Object Management Group) standard called Data Distribution Service for real time systems (DDS). The company’s DDS middleware solutions find special interest in the robotic, IoT and automotive sector, being Fast DDS a middleware implementations for larger robotic systems like ROS 2 and Micro XRCE-DDS the default middleware for micro-ROS, a robot operating system for microcontrollers.
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