
Configure the DDS Router in an easy way

Madrid, June 2023

Configure DDS Router

Learning to configure and customize the DDS Router, the tool that connects distributed DDS networks, according to your specific requirements it's easy if you are well guided. This article takes you through the  DDS Router Configuration Guide, the manual explains how to use the tool and its configuration options, including aspects such as network configuration, with step-by-step instructions and examples.

The DDS Router can be set up using a YAML configuration file, which holds important details about the router's settings. This file includes information about topics filtering and Participants configurations. To ensure the correctness of the configuration files, the YAML Validator tool can be used for easy validation.

The DDS Router Configuration options, as outlined in the configuration guide, encompass several key aspects:

  • Configuration version: The YAML Configuration supports a version value to identify the configuration version and ensure compatibility with future releases.
  • Specs Configuration: The YAML Configuration allows configuring options related to the overall configuration of the DDS Router instance, such as the number of threads for the internal ThreadPool and the maximum history depth for Fast DDS internal entities.
  • Built-in Topics: The DDS Router can use a built-in topic list to accelerate the discovery phase and create DataWriters and DataReaders during router initialization. This feature also enables the manual specification of QoS for specific topics.
  • Topic Filtering: DDS Router supports filtering of DDS Topics, allowing users to define rules for forwarding or discarding data samples based on topics. Filtering can be done using an allowlist, blocklist, or built-in-topics list.
  • Participant Configuration: The YAML configuration file includes participant configurations, allowing the creation of multiple Participants with specific settings such as domain ID, repeater configuration, network addresses, and connection addresses.

The guide provides additional details on each subsection, including explanations of specific configuration options, their effects on DDS Router behavior, and many examples of each configuration. Find the complete DDS Router Configuration Guide here.

Want to know what looks like?

Find below an illustrative example showcasing a simple DDS Router configuration (you can find all the configurations discussed here):


version: v3.1

  - name: "*/topic/*"


  - name: LocalParticipant
     kind: local
     domain: 0

  - name: WanClient
     kind: wan
       - domain:
          port: 11666
          transport: tcp




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