eProsima in the Press


Find news, articles and studies featuring eProsima, its products and projects, in the media from all over the world:



26/09/2022 Micro-ROS Simplifies Robot Peripheral Support Electronic Design EN
27/06/2022 5,000 words to explain the basic software of automobiles and the status quo of domestic production EET China CH
17/06/2022 Introduction to Data Distribution Service (DDS) EET China CH
19/03/2022 DDS and SOME/IP, who decides the ups and downs? EET China CH




02/09/2021 Renesas and eProsima Simplify Development Of Professional Robotics Applications On RA MCUs With micro-ROS Development Framework RENESAS  EN
22/07/2021 Roboter-Betriebssysteme, gestern und heute Elektronik Praxis GER
06/07/2021 How to connect Teensy 3.2 with Micro-ROS and ROS 2 Foxy Manzur Murshid (Medium) EN
15/06/2021 Using micro-ROS on the Raspberry Pi Pico Hackster.io EN
10/06/2021 Publishing sonar readings with micro-ROS on the Raspberry Pi Pico Ubuntu  EN
04/05/2021 3D Robotics selects eProsima Fast RTPS for System Infrastructure Dronecode EN
25/03/2021 Getting started with micro-ROS on the Raspberry Pi Pico Ubuntu EN
15/03/2021 NXP BlueBox 3.0 to Enable Differentiated Vehicles EET Asia EN
15/02/2021 Arduino's Portenta H7 Gets the Robot Operating System 2, Courtesy of micro-ROS Hackster.io EN
12/01/2021 Building High-Performance Computing into Cars with AV Dev Platform EET Asia EN




15/12/2020 Micro-ROS Project Brings ROS 2 to the Arduino IDE and CLI Through an Experimental Library Release Hackster.io EN
30/09/2020 Google and Facebook Select Zephyr RTOS for Next Generation Products PR Newswire EN
14/07/2020 ROS 2 Foxy Fitzroy Release Improves Security and Tooling InfoQ EN
15/02/2020 eProsima and Wind River join forces to enable ROS on critical robotics applications Wind River EN



2019 and before

15/02/2019 Dos startups españolas lideran el desarrollo del sistema operativo robótico ROS 2 El Referente ESP
29/10/2018 Renesas prepares RX65N MCU for new robot protocol ROS 2 Electronics Weekly EN
01/01/2017 Development of real-time data Publish and subscribe system based on Fast RTPS from image data transmission External Research EN
30/10/2016 Un probador inteligente y otros dos ejemplos prácticos de cómo el Internet de las Cosas mejorará nuestras vidas La Vanguardia ESP


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