At eProsima, we are used to developing Robotic solutions for our customers and R&D
projects. We provide both software and robots:
- Vulcanexus: Complete ROS2 distribution shipping all our ROS2 Tools
- Vulcanbot 01: Our Robotic platform for R&D purposes.
On top of that, we offer services to develop your robotic applications and platforms, including:
- Robot design: From scratch or starting with an existing commercial platform and integrating the sensors, actuators, arms, etc. Personalized 3D printing in its different alternatives.
- Autonomous Navigation - Nav2: Nav2 is your comprehensive toolkit for building highly reliable autonomous systems. It offers a full suite of capabilities, including perception, planning, control, localization, visualization, and behavior management. With Nav2, you can seamlessly transform raw or pre-processed sensor and semantic data into an environmental model, dynamically route paths, compute precise motor commands, avoid obstacles, and structure sophisticated robot behaviors. Elevate your robotics projects with Nav2’s powerful, adaptive, and flexible functionality for robust autonomy.
- Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) capabilities:
- Face detection, recognition, analysis
- Body tracking, gesture recognition
- Voice processing, speech, dialogue understanding
- Whole person analysis
- Group interactions, gaze behavior
- AI Integration: LLMs. See our LLM Services.
- Robot simulation: Using state-of-the-art simulators, such as Gazebo, Webots, Isaac Sim, etc.
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