Madrid, Dec 2014
eProsima announces the general availability of eProsima RPC over DDS 0.4.0. This release adds many new features and it is compliant with the latest Submission of the upcoming RPC over DDS Standard.
eProsima RPC over DDS is a high performance remote procedure call (RPC) framework. It combines a software stack with a code generation engine to build services that work efficiently in serveral platforms and programming languages.
Main Features:
- A lot faster than Web Services or JMS and easier to use.
- Windows and Linux support (32 and 64 bits)
- Project and makefile generation for VS2010/VS2013 & gcc 4.x
- Synchronous, asynchronous and one way operations
- Different Server threading models
- 100% Standard: ISO C++ and OMG DDS
- RTI DDS and OpenDDS supported
What is new:
- Inheritance support
- C++ 11 Types
- Standalone Code Generator (Operations and Types)
- Request/Reply Topics per Interface or per Operation
- RPC over DDS Future Standard Compliance
- Bug Fixing
- RTI DDS 5.1 Support
Downloads and Online Documentation
Please visit the eProsima RPC over DDS product page.
eProsima RPC for DDS is a lot faster than Web Services and JMS, and similar to last generation middleware such as Apache Thrift .
More Information:
For any questions please contact