Madrid, December 2020
eProsima is thrilled to participate as a speaker on this ROS-Industrial 2020 conference that, on its 8th edition, will be held as a virtual event on December 15th and 16th.
The session will cover “Advanced Execution Management with ROS 2” and “micro-ROS: bringing ROS 2 to microcontrollers”
eProsima will be part of “Realtime & micro-ROS” session on the 16th at 11.30am CET, sharing a spot with our partner BOSCH under the Ofera project.
Topics to be discussed will be the real-time support and determinism in ROS 2 and micro-ROS, which are important requirements for industrial automation. With the Executor, ROS 2 introduced a new concept for execution management, and there are further developments to it. The presentation will continue with the recent changes in Foxy, the Callback-group-level Executor for the Galactic release and details on the rclc Executor for deeply embedded applications. micro-ROS addresses these kinds of applications, by putting ROS 2 onto microcontrollers, thus bridging the gap between deeply embedded computing platforms and more performative microprocessors. Finally, an overview of this project will be given with a focus on its latest developments, and present an entry-level hands-on demonstration intended for people willing to get started with micro-ROS.
This ROS-Industrial conference shares the newest technical developments and brings together the people and companies which are active in the ROS community. This year's conference will not only be an annual meeting for the European ROS community, but also the final event of the H2020 ROSIN project.
For further more information and registration please visit the ROS-Industrial website
eProsima is the lead coordinator of the EU-founded Ofera project which develops the micro-ROS robotic framework and is proud to have a chance to improve the development of robotics together with the other OFERA members: BOSCH, PIAP and FIWARE Foundation.
For any questions please contact