
Fast RTPS is selected by ULMA Handling for their Automatic Manufacturing solutions

Madrid, December 2018

ULMA Handling, a company focused on Smart logistics for manufacturing, has selected eProsima Fast RTPS to incorporate on their Distribution and Automatic Manufacturing solutions.

Logistic Solutions & Fast RTPS?

Industry 4.0 offers the opportunity for manufacturers to optimize their operations quickly and efficiently, collecting data that can inform maintenance, performance and other issues. In this environment is where ULMA Handling has decided to use Fast RTPS for receiving data from their logistic solutions.

Some ULMA Handling Cases:

Automated WarehouseAutomation - End of LineOrder PreparationGoods Transport
Automation - End of Line                                     Automated Warehouse                                      Order Preparation                                            Goods Transport



“We use Fast RTPS to share data between the different smart manufacturing nodes integrated on our logistic solutions, exploiting the knowledge using the Industry 4.0 philosophy.”
Oscar Okariz Gallastegui, Software Products VP at ULMA Handling systems.

 About ULMA Handling:

ULMA Handling Systems is a material handling and logistics automation company, supplier of automated storage and retrieval systems, based in Oñati, Spain. The company engineers design, produce, and install material handling systems in installations, from small warehouses to complex systems.

ULMA Handling form part of the ULMA Business group which focuses its business and operations on areas such as Architectural Solutions, Agriculture, Forklift trucks, Construction, Conveyor Components, Packaging and Piping.

More information:

For extended information please write us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

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