
Fast RTPS demonstrates its reliability in ROS 2 Navigation 2

Madrid, March 2020

We are proud to announce that the Robotics Department of the Spanish University Rey Juan Carlos in Madrid chose eProsima Fast RTPS as the DDS implementation to test ROS 2 Navigation 2. 

Dr. Francisco Martin Rico and his colleagues Steve Macenski (Samsung), Ruffin White and Jonathan Gines and students of the university are currently testing the robustness and the reliability of the ROS 2 Navigation (nav2) with two professional robots.

Watch the impressive video where the robots autonomously navigate more than 42 km within the university building and avoid human obstacles.


About Navigation 2:

Navigation 2 (nav2) is the successor of ROS Navigation. This navigation solution for ROS 2 can react to dynamic environments by using a behavior tree and is suitable for critical applications. This enables the robots to navigate autonomously from one point to another.

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