Madrid, February 2020
eProsima will be representing the micro-ROS project together with Bosch, Piap and Fiware at this year’s European Robotics Forum in Malaga from the 3rd till the 5th of March 2020.
The European Robotics Forum expects around 1000 professionals of the robotics community to join this year’s event, including expert companies like Bosch, Kuka, Clearpath, Robotnik, Schunk and others.
The focus of the forum will be the question on how to accelerate the innovation in robotics and AI, and its market development.
At booth 27 Bosch, Piap, Fiware and eProsima will showcase their common project, micro-ROS and a captivating example of application.
micro-ROS is an EU funded project using the eProsima middleware, Micro XRCE-DDS, a standard of the OMG (Object Management Group) specifically designed for resource constrained environments. This collaboration takes ROS 2 (Robot Operating System) on microcontroller level, helping to lower the complexity of systems, to increase the interoperability and therewith to reduce costs.
The showcase uses a Bitcraze Crazyflie drone and a Kobuki TurtleBot 2. With micro-ROS running on the sensors of both devices, their positioning data will be transferred to a virtual onscreen image and also influences on the behaviour of the TurtleBot itself.
Another showcase for the European Robotics Forum will be the TurtleBot bridged with a time of fly laser ranging sensor. When interrupting the laser, the TurtleBot receives this information and completes an emergency stop.
Both cases involve micro-ROS running on real-time operating systems inside resource constrained devices and leave no doubt about the seamless integration of microcontrollers using micro-ROS.
Hope to see you there!
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