
eProsima team is growing fast!

Madrid, February 2019

eProsima is glad to announce that recently, employee number 16 has joined the company. This is a very important achievement because it not only means that the company is growing fast, it also means that it is on the right track of its service expansion. The team is very happy to grow and to be able to keep creating more and better middleware solutions for its customers.

 eProsima team

From only one founding member in 2004 eProsima has expanded to become 16 times bigger today. The eProsima team evolution chart below shows the tremendous progress done between 2004 and the beginning of 2019. We see that already in 2009 there were two members in the team, this number grew to 5 in 2017, to 11 in 2018 and at the beginning of 2019, we have already 16 people on board. The company is growing very fast and we expect to expand even more. 

eProsima team evolution

The team rise was aligned with the eProsima CEO Jaime Martin Losa (at the center of the picture below) decision to move to a new office location in Tres Cantos Madrid. A new spacious modern office and a bigger team are allowing to build even stronger ties with our customers, as well as to further expand eProsima open source middleware products and services.

eProsima team at the office

eProsima team members are experts in middleware, especially for distributed systems with high-performance requirements. They are able to help to design the distributed system covering all the areas impacting communications: the middleware technology to choose, the data model, the Quality of Service for the different data flows, the data links, how to test the systems, etc. They developed such open source products as eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS and eProsima FAST RTPS that have been selected for prestigious projects ROS 2 and micro-ROS.


eProsima is an SME company focused on networking middleware with special attention to the OMG standard called Data Distribution Service for Real-time systems (DDS).

eProsima believes in the Open Source model and provides such Open Source Middleware solutions as eProsima Fast RTPS that is adopted by ROS 2 and eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS that gives access to DDS for eXtreme Resource Constrained Environments: Microcontrollers and which is the base of Micro-ROS. Its other products eProsima RPC over DDSeProsima Non-Intrusive DDS RecordereProsima Dynamic Fast Buffers or eProsima Shapes Demo are widely used as well.

Selected by OSRF (ROS), Apex.aiClearpath RoboticsAmazonAuterionDronecode3D RoboticsIntelligent Robots, and others, eProsima focuses on the customer needs and provides personalized solutions as per demand.

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Office address

Plaza de la Encina 10-11,
Nucleo 4, 2ª Planta
28760 Tres Cantos – Madrid (Spain)