Madrid, February 2019
eProsima is proud to announce that it has become a member of the ROS 2 Technical Steering Committee. The Technical Steering Committee (TSC) consists of representatives of organizations that contribute to the development of the Robot Operating System 2 (ROS 2). Jaime Martin Losa (CEO) will set the technical direction for the second generation of the Robot Operating System together with representatives from Amazon, Apex.AI, Arm, Bosch, Intel, LG, Microsoft, Open Robotics, Robotis, TARDEC, and Toyota.
The Robot Operating System (ROS) is a set of software libraries and tools that help you build robot applications. From drivers to state-of-the-art algorithms, and with powerful developer tools, ROS has what you need for your next robotics project. And it's all open source. ROS has become a de facto standard for Robotic applications.
ROS is a large project with many ancestors and contributors. The need for an open-ended collaboration framework was felt by many people in the robotics research community, and many projects have been created towards this goal.
Various efforts at Stanford University in the mid-2000s involving integrative, embodied AI, such as the STanford AI Robot (STAIR) and the Personal Robots (PR) program, created in-house prototypes of flexible, dynamic software systems intended for robotics use. In 2007, Willow Garage, a nearby visionary robotics incubator, provided significant resources to extend these concepts much further and create well-tested implementations. The effort was boosted by countless researchers who contributed their time and expertise to both the core ROS ideas and to its fundamental software packages. Throughout, the software was developed in the open using the permissive BSD open-source license, and gradually has become a widely-used platform in the robotics research community.
You can read more about ROS and its history here.
New implementation cases invited to study the possibility to create multi-robot systems, embedded, real-time platforms, improve the network and ensure that the ROS solutions could be used in real production areas. To comply with this new needs, emerged the ROS 2 trying to leverage and improve the ROS 1. ROS 2 aims to bring such new features as actions in Python, logging improvements, additional graph API features, security improvements, expansion on real-time safety, multi-robot supporting features, C client library, and remapping.
ROS 2 adopted eProsima Fast RTPS as its default middleware three years ago, and eProsima keeps working offering new features and tools to the ROS community.
A Technical Steering Committee (TSC) was created to broaden the participation in ROS 2 and to accelerate its delivery by Open Robotics. In order to adapt fast to the high community demands in robotics the TSC founding members of such prestigious companies like Amazon, Apex.AI, Arm, Bosch, Intel, LG, Microsoft, Open Robotics, Robotis, TARDEC and Toyota started determining the roadmap, developing core tools and libraries, and establishing working groups to focus on the topics with the greatest impact for ROS 2.
This united work led to first important achievements where eProsima was already able to assist. Firstly, ROS 2 Crystal Clemmys was released in December 2018 surprising with several new features and improvements such as actions in C/CPP (server/client), improvement in memory management or introspection information about nodes among many others. eProsima is closely cooperating in the ROS 2 project, aligning the roadmap and schedule of our eProsima FAST RTPS 1.7.0, launched recently, and the default middleware of ROS 2 for this new release.
Secondly, the TSC established two working groups: Navigation Working Group (NWG) 32 and Security Working Group (SWG). In addition, the TSC members are working on updates to developer policies, such as enforcement of a Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO) 16 on contributions to core ROS 2 repositories.
eProsima latest solutions eProsima FAST RTPS version 1.7 and eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS are already being employed in ROS 2 and micro-ROS. As a member of the TSC eProsima will continue to make significant contributions to the ROS 2 with its knowledge and solutions that are under constant improvement.
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