Madrid, March 2019
eProsima representatives Jaime Martin Losa (CEO) and Borja Outerelo Gamarra (Senior Middleware engineer) among other European robotics experts participated in the European Robotics Forum 2019 in Bucharest on 20-22 March 2019. eProsima presented on the publicly-funded project OFERA to create the micro-ROS robotic framework.
After its start in San Sebastian in 2010, The European Robotics Forum has grown into a major annual event on robotics with hundreds of attendees every year. This year it was already the Forum’s tenth edition and its 2019 programme covered a broad range of topics on robotics and artificial intelligence.
During the first day the speakers presented on innovative robots for automotive end-users, robotics for logistics and transport, spoke about collaborative robots for industrial and professional service tasks, miniaturized robotics for biomedical applications and big data.
The next day continued with themes on AI, aerial robotics, automation and robotics for terrestrial large working machinery, marine robotics and field applications in EU: witnesses and TG meeting.
During the last day of event topics on cybersecurity, construction robotics, open and sustainable robotics software ecosystems for Europe, safety engineering in robotics software and programmable electronics were discussed. To see all the programme press here.
The European Robotics Forum 2019 was organized by euRobotics under SPARC, the Public-Private Partnership for Robotics in Europe and hosted by E-Civis Association.
To maintain and extend Europe’s leadership and secure the economic and societal impact for Europe, the European Commission decided in 2012 to initiate the Public-Private Partnership in Robotics (SPARC). With €700M in funding from the Commission for 2014 – 2020, and triple that amount from European industry, SPARC is the largest civilian-funded robotics innovation programme in the world.
SPARC is a contractual Partnership of the European Commission and the European Robotics Community. The European Robotic Community is represented by euRobotics AISBL which is, a non-for-profit association according to Belgian law and with seat in Brussels. It was founded in September 2012, to provide the European Robotics Community a legal entity to engage in a contract with the European Commission.
SPARC aims to make available European robots in factories, in the air, on land, under water, for agriculture, health, rescue services, and in many other applications in Europe which have an economic and societal impact.
euRobotics AISBL (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) was founded on 17 Sep 2012 and is a Brussels based international non-profit association represented by more than 250 companies, universities, and research institutions, ranging from traditional industrial robotics manufacturers to producers of agricultural machinery and innovative hospitals.
One of the association’s main missions is to collaborate with the European Commission (EC) to develop and implement a strategy and a roadmap for research, technological development, and innovation in robotics, in view of the launch of the next framework program Horizon 2020.
Towards this end, euRobotics AISBL was formed to engage from the private side in a contractual Public-Private Partnership, SPARC, with the European Union as the public side.
The objectives of euRobotics are to boost European robotics research, development and innovation and to foster a positive perception of robotics. It aims at:
- strengthening competitiveness and ensuring the industrial leadership of manufacturers, providers, and end-users of robotics technology-based systems and services;
- the widest and best uptake of robotics technologies and services for professional and private use;
- the excellence of the science base of European robotics.
The event gave a chance to eProsima and other participants to meet people and experts on robotics, to network among high-class researchers, engineers, innovators, and a growing number of robotic entrepreneurs from all over Europe.
eProsima is Middleware expert company which open source product eProsima Fast RTPS is adopted by ROS 2 and eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS being base of micro-ROS. It is contributing to the robotic development and innovation.
eProsima team presented the publicly-funded project OFERA to create the micro-ROS robotic framework where it collaborates with the other OFERA members: BOSCH, PIAP, FIWARE Foundation, and Acutronics Robotics.
micro-ROS is a project to create a platform for integrating micro-controllers in a robotic system extending the existing ROS2 framework. This platform should serve to a seamless integration of resource constrained devices in the robot ecosystem preserving the ROS2 concepts and at the same time allowing communication between micro-controllers based solution (micro-ROS) and general ROS2 solution using a client-server architecture.
The participation in the European Robotics Forum gave the chance to discuss our project’s goals with the European community of roboticists. The organization of the event has been extremely good, with good networking and the opportunity to meet agencies, public authorities and private entities.
eProsima is an SME company focused on networking middleware with special attention to the OMG standard called Data Distribution Service for Real-time systems (DDS).
eProsima believes in the Open Source model and provides such Open Source Middleware solutions as eProsima Fast RTPS that is adopted by ROS 2 and eProsima Micro XRCE-DDS that gives access to DDS for eXtreme Resource Constrained Environments: Microcontrollers and which is the base of Micro-ROS. Its other products eProsima RPC over DDS, eProsima Non-Intrusive DDS Recorder, eProsima Dynamic Fast Buffers or eProsima Shapes Demo are widely used as well.
Selected by OSRF (ROS),, Clearpath Robotics, Amazon, Auterion, Dronecode, 3D Robotics, Intelligent Robots, and others, eProsima focuses on the customer needs and provides personalized solutions as per demand.
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